

“What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.” Theodore Roethke High performers believe that it is possible. Not that things are impossible. The find evidence on why they can do the impossible. They have big dreams they work towards and are pushing themselves consistently. Power Phrase this Week:  I defy limitations. I move boundaries. I do the impossible because I’m possible!   Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success. Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System. Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was publ