

“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it…. It’s just easier if you do.” Bryon Katie High Performers see obstacles and difficulties as happening for them not too them. They blame appropriately, not denying that is it difficulty, but use their cognitive appraisal to see the good that can come from everything. Power Phrase This Week:  “I see difficulties as happening for me not to me. I see the gift in the difficulty.” Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success. Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Veriz