Tomgirl With Jj Jurgens

Anndi McAfee | TomGirl Episode 32



It’s TomGirl with host J.J. Jurgens. From her animated role as Robyn Starling in the feature film Tom and Jerry-The Movie to her recurring role on Baywatch, Anndi McAfee has been bringing characters to life since she was seven! Anndi joins host J.J. Jurgens to talk about her acting career, obstacles she’s overcome, her stint in the Boy Scouts (yes, Boy Scouts) and adventurous spirit! RSS Feed: ABOUT TOMGIRL:  AfterBuzz Tv's TomGirl is a brand new vodcast series hosted by JJ Jurgens, covering all aspects of sports, entertainment, fashion, and adventure! Each week, tune in on TomGirl Tuesdays LIVE or listen on iTunes or any other podcast location, to find conversations with leading members of the community. Follow JJ Jurgen on Twitter @JJJurgens and the show's official twitter handle at @TomGirlTV! Subscribe to our NEW YouTube Channels: