Creative Conversations With Dionne White

EP 14 CC w/Dionne White- Art Critique Etiquette



In this episode Dionne talks about one of her favorite things as an artist "Art Critique Etiquette". She gives you Four Pro Critique Points on how to give or participate in a proper, productive,  and objective Art Critique.  Giving and receiving a proper art critique is important to growing as an artist both in skill and character. She also challenges you to be vulnerable in order to grow, find the gold in others' work, and reminds us that thick skin is needed to receive critiques and that comes over time. Enjoy!  Pro Critique Points  - Something Good  - Something Constructive - Overall Critique - A Different Perspective  Remember we are all trying to grow and we can either add to others or subtract.  If you want the notes from this podcast email me at, I'd love for you to have them! --- Support this podcast: