8mill Productions

Dave McClain On How He Started His Acting Career, Tips For Creatives, and More!



Dave McClain bio: Dave McClain is an award-winning actor, experienced voice-over artist, published writer and rising cinematographer and filmmaker living in the Houston area. Dave has worked all over eastern and central Texas and has acted in several dozen screen projects, as a character actor or as the lead or co-lead, in feature films, award-winning short films, commercials, industrials, TV shows, webisodes and music videos since he began acting professionally in July 2016. Dave also has extensive theater experience. He has acted in plays in several states and Europe, performed at the AACT National Theater Festival and he has written, directed and produced a variety of theatrical and video productions.    Dave was born and raised in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, as the oldest of six children and he raised two children, William & Savannah. Dave graduated Magna Cum Laude from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and was a high school history teacher in Chesapeake, Virginia for seven y