Creative & Passionate

How to Use NLP in Your Business With James Pesch



International coach, James Pesch stops by to share all things NLP and success. In today's segment, James introduces how NLP is vital to sales and business.  Creative & Passionate features local and international guests that spark joy in the world. WHAT MATTERS MOST? YOUR SUCCESS Deep down you KNOW your self-worth, but you have a tendency to be too critical of yourself. Your ideas and dreams are HUGE, LARGER-than-Life, and only seem small when compared to the DOUBT you feel when you think about being able to accomplish them. Or maybe your team has some deeper, much more important mission which needs tools in order to: BUILD BOLD CONFIDENCE RELATE & CONNECT TO OTHERS DESTROY DOUBT, DEPRESSION, or ANXIETY IMPROVE & OPTIMIZE MEMORY REMOVE PAST & TRAUMA CREATE & ACHIEVE GOALS you, like so many others, might be here for those, but whether you know it or not, now that you are here, you are here to Optimize your MIND so you can Be Your own HERO & to help those around you Be H