The Lead With Jake Tapper

WH struggles to explain claim of "imminent threat"; Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Pilot's last words sounded "peaceful" before crash; Sen Bernie Sanders makes appearance with Larry David; Pelosi reveals she's ready to send articles of impeachment to Senate



Trump now claims at least 4 embassies were potential targets; Pompeo claims Congress briefed on Soleimani embassy threats but several lawmakers say they weren't; Pompeo on attack: Didn't know when or where, but threat imminent; Pompeo won't define "imminent" on threat from Iran; Surveillance video captures moment of Ukraine plane crash; Pompeo: U.S. believes Iran "likely" shot down passenger plane killing 176 on board; Newly weds, young children among 176 victims of plane crash; Russian ship comes dangerously close to U.S. Navy destroyer; ignoring repeated warnings; Russian ship nearly collides with Navy destroyer in Arabian sea; DOD: Video shows Russian aggression towards U.S. Navy ship; Pelosi reveals she's ready to send articles of impeachment to Senate next week; Trump: Pelosi should have sent impeachment articles to Senate long time ago; GOP Sources: Republicans want Trump acquitted by State of the Union on Feb 4; Sanders raises more money in fourth quarter than an