The Lead With Jake Tapper

Trump team concludes, focus shifts to witness fight; Ernst comments on Biden echo 2015 McCarthy on Benghazi; Trump reveals peace plan alongside indicted Israeli PM; New video shows Bryant's helicopter moments before crash;



Former WH Chief of Staff John Kelly: "I believe John Bolton";  Kushner on impeachment: The President has been totally vindicated; Sekulow alludes to Bolton's book: This trial is not "a game of leaks and unsourced manuscripts"; Graham: "Totally support" Senators reviewing Bolton book; Witness fight reignited in wake of Bolton revelations; Trump defense team finishes opening arguments; Joe Biden says Ernst "spilled the beans" suggesting Trump using trial to hurt him; Biden: Ernst "spilled the beans", says Trump afraid of him; Trump's trial defense rests as he releases mideast peace plan; Palestinian leader: Trump's plan is the "slap of the century"; Trump praises Pompeo for "doing a good job" with NPR reporter; Jared Kushner to CNN: Palestinian leaders have "perfect track record of blowing every opportunity" they've had; Helicopter pilot requested to fly under special rules, in weather conditions worse than norma