The Lead With Jake Tapper

Trump takes a victory lap with off-the-rails speech; Red State Dem Senator Doug Jones explains vote to convict Trump; Buttigieg & Sanders in virtual tie in Iowa, awaiting full results; China reports two newborns infected with coronavirus;



Trump: Pelosi & Schiff "vicious, horrible" people; Trump slams Pelosi, Romney at National Prayer Breakfast; Trump: Romney used his religion as a "crutch" for guilty vote; GOP Senators suggest Trump has learned a lesson, as he takes victory lap & slams Democrats; Trump attacks Romney, calls Pelosi "horrible" in ranting speech; Buttigieg & Sanders in virtual tie in Iowa, Sanders dismisses Buttigieg lead as "meaningless"; DNC Chair calls for recanvass of Iowa caucuses; Sen. Bernie Sanders raised $25 million in month of January; Candidates battle it out in NH as Iowa keeps counting; New poll: Sanders leading in NH, Buttigieg in second; Fmr VP reflects on struggle with stuttering at CNN Town Hall;Biden slams Buttigieg's lack of experience as a "risk," Buttigieg responds by touting Iowa results; Inside the digital campaign to spin headlines to favor Trump; Atlantic writer: Conspiracy theories and lies from pro-Trump groups flooded my Facebook timeli