Nick Diaz Of Nauts Podcast

E128:@SentientFuture | A Digitized Life



@Sentientfuture is such an interesting guy to talk to and even after this cast was over texted me apologizing how diverse and widespread the discussion was... and how FIRED UP he now was to go do more amazing things! This guy is a lightning rod of information (like someone else i know) and I never know what he is going to say next and where his mind is going when we are talking - but he always is able to deliver his thoughts in a very concise and precise manner that I am sometimes Jealous of. Today's Guest has spent a lot of time....documenting his time...and graphing it as he is an EXCEL BOSS (My words lol) and he is now my "Canary In The Digital Coalmine" as far as digitizing one's life to gain all the information one can gather and use technology to perhaps solve some issues or even prevent issues from occurring. We may have broken the code of AI in this convo...but as I am not on the cutting edge of AI, i am not 100% sure but I think the points we got to in this should be - if t