Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 26 - The Oregon Militia Stand Off



Jon has been sick for week. Listen to his feverish take on the stand off in Oregon over land between the federal government and the Militia that has taken over an Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.The Absurdly Harsh Penalties That Sparked the Oregon Rancher ProtestArmed Protesters in Oregon Occupy Remote Federal Outpost at Wildlife Refuge After Marching Against Sentence of Father and Son RanchersArmed protesters refuse to leave federal building in OregonUS Uncut being dumbInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars? Use our Coinbase link!The "Shift" Bitcoin debit card is through coinbase as well.Support the show by entering Amazon through our link HERE!Support the show on Patreon HERE!Use this address to add the Logical Anarchy Today show to your podcatcher or subscribe on iTunes!http://shoutengine.com/LogicalAnarchyToday.xml