Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 108 - The Resources and Books that Helped Me



I wasn't always an econ nerd that read 1000+ page treatises on economics, philosophy and political thought. I was an stupid and ignorant statist at one point. Today's episode is about the books and resources that have led me down the rabbit hole and completely enriched my knowledge on this stuff.End the Fed by Ron PaulEconomics in One Lesson by Henry HazlittThe Law by Frederic BastiatLiberalism by Ludwig Von MisesHuman Action by Ludwig Von MisesThe Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig Von MisesMan, Economy and State by Murray RothbardTom Woods Liberty ClassroomHonorable Mentions:Meltdown by Tom WoodsThe Rothbard Reader by Murray RothbardThe Road to Serfdom by F.A. HayekFreedom by Adam KokeshInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars? Use our Coinbase link!If you sign up with our coinbase link and purchase $100 in bitcoin, you will recieve an extra $10 from coinbase.The "Shift" Bitcoin debit card is through coinbase as well.Support the show by entering Amazon through our link HERE!Support the show w