Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 137 - When Empiricism Leads You Astray



We are Capitalists (of the Chicago School) is a facebook page that advocates for free markets and the minimizing of government. The problem I have is when people like this get so focused on data and empiricism that they lose sight of the principles that make libertarianism what it is. When you are so focused on data, you forget that economics is about human action. That is what happened when I chatted with these guys about Brexit. They were arguing for the idea that none of the data warranted the UK leaving the EU and that they should have remained. I found it funny that a bunch of "capitalists" would be advocating for protectionist Keynesian policies. What ensued is a Chicago Vs. Austrian battle of ideas.The Post about Brexit that started thisThe Limits of EmpiricismEp 22 The Donald and ImmigrationEpisode 93 – How Much Money Does the Economy Need?Episode 63 – Austrian Economics and LogicLogical Anarchy MerchandiseTom Woods Liberty ClassroomInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars? Use our Coinba