Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 148 - Argumentation Ethics, Estoppel, Synthetic A Priori Propositions and Self Ownership



When debating statists, why is there so much heated disagreement? The differences is in the premises of the voluntaryist compared to the statist. The Voluntaryist is making logical deductions of synthetic a priori propositions while the statist is making deductions from false and contradictory premises. Having a false premises or a slightly inaccurate premise can cause all sorts of issues when trying to debate something. But the anarcho-capitalist is working from the concept of self ownership and the action axiom. Both are propositions that cannot be refuted. This creates considerable problems for the statist. Today's episode is all about this concept.An Introduction to Argumentation EthicsA Statist Uses Intellectual Dishonesty to Justify TaxationSelf-Ownership Naturally Implies Property RightsEpisode 128 – Estoppel Applied to Gun ControlEpisode 91 – Synthetic A Priori Propositions And The Action AxiomLogical Anarchy MerchandiseTom Woods Liberty ClassroomInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars?