Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 151 - Defending Argumentation Ethics



I talk a lot about argumentation ethics and estoppel. They are not bullet proof ideas for sure, but I find the points within these ideas to be very compelling. The Bleeding Heart Libertarian site tried to write a refutation that disproves argumentation ethics in 60 seconds. I will not attempt the same time frame of 60 seconds but I will try to fully present Hoppe's ideas as well why this refutation misses the main point of Hoppe's argument.Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics Argument Refuted in Under 60 SecondsArgumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise GuideA Theory of Socialism and CapitalismThe Economics and Ethics of Private Property: Studies in Political Economy and PhilosophyPunishment and Proportionality: the Estoppel ApproachEpisode 150 – Negative Rights Vs. Positive RightsEpisode 148 – Argumentation Ethics, Estoppel, Synthetic A Priori Propositions and Self-OwnershipLogical Anarchy MerchandiseTom Woods Liberty ClassroomInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars? Use our Coinbase link!If you sign