Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 170 - How Government Sows the Seeds of Chaos



This is not a new story but a man that was trained on US soil as well as in counter terrorist methods is a military leader in ISIS now. This is a pattern that has been continually repeated. The government creates more enemies than it can possibly kill and it continually makes these enemies more violent deadly. People accuse anarchism of "chaos" when the real chaos is created by government. Today's episode is just one example of how this is done. This is your tax dollars at work. You're tax dollars trained this terrorist and your tax dollars will be part of the $3 million dollar reward for this ISIS leaders capture. They use your money to train them and then they use your money to kill them. Perhaps this is what "chaos" really is.New ISIS Military Commander Was Trained by State Department as Recently as 2014U.S. Offers Bounty For Fugitive Tajik ColonelISIS fighter was trained by State DepartmentEp 34 How to Talk to Vets and SoldiersCheck out MoneyMetals.com and Protect Yourself EconomicallyLogical Anarchy Merc