Home Row

You should see my blood stain



The HomeRow crew hasn't exactly had what we would call "regular" schedules lately, and that includes for BM's.  They're back and talking a bit about how the Fallout 4 trailer underwhelmed, looks a little shotty, but how they'll still gladly throw money at it.   Also on the agenda is the stagnation of titles like Tenchu, Armored Core, and the possibility that From Software is turning out another Dark Souls way too soon.   Doxy has been all about Shadow of Mordor lately, finding it a little easier since diving back in, while Brian has a thing for Rebel Galaxy's puckish rogue vibe and loves the ship combat mixed with southern rock, calling it Space Truckers meets cowboys, and totally selling Doxy and Joe on having to check it out. Check Brian's commentary on Rebel Galaxy HERE. He's also into The Adventures of Pip, a roguelike where Pip can basically change from single pixel to 8-bit and 16-bit on the fly to figure out puzzles.  Joe is still going through The Witcher Wild Hunt, noting the emotional and political