Full Exposure With Brian Kelly

Rick Beerhorst - Artist



Rick Beerhorst - Artist (This episode has some NSFW language. Please play carefully.) Rick arrived at my studio with a black eye. So…as one does in this type of situation, I asked him what happened. But then I selfishly thought better of it and said, “Wait. Save it for the podcast.” Turns out, as you will hear, a few days earlier Rick had “gotten his ass kicked” in a violent altercation at 2:30AM near the downtown dumpster where he was throwing away roughly $700,000 worth of his own paintings and sketches that he had just destroyed with a razor blade and a table saw. Suffice it say Rick and I have an awful lot to unpack in this episode. I’ve known Rick Beerhorst for a long time. He is one of the most talented painters that Michigan has ever produced. He’s also complicated and a survivor. He’s battled through periods of intense poverty, depression and mania. His 29 year marriage dissolved a few years ago. And now, after a period of intense self-reflection and meditation, Rick has fully re-dedicated himself to