The Lead With Jake Tapper

House Dems introduce articles of impeachment against Trump; Trump's Day" Impeachment, trade deal, Russian FM visits; Sources: Trump, McConnell at odds over impeachment trial



Mueller report; House Dems introduce articles of impeachment, full house could vote as soon as next week; McCarthy: Democrats are just angry they lost 2016 election; Schiff: Waiting on impeachment allows Trump to continue cheating; Sources: Nadler pushed for separate article of impeachment on obstruction of justice; Barr suggest FBI acted in "Bad Faith" in trump-Russia probe; Grisham,: Trump is "Not relieved, but we did expect this"; Sources: McConnell wants fast senate trial, but Trump is pushing for a dramatic spectacle; GOP Senator: We've warned the White House not to "turn the senate into a circus"; Trump lashes out at "current" FBI director for stating facts; Wray: No evidence FBI unfairly targeted Trump campaign; Wray: No indication Ukraine interfered in 2016 election; Trump allies defend the president with falsehoods; Democrats & trump each claim victory as new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal reached; Trump hosts top Russian diplomat in oval office, behind