The Lead With Jake Tapper

Sources: Dems privately preparing for Senate trial; CNN: Trump's Florida holiday raises concern among WH aides; Facing tough re-election, Sen. Jones talks impeachment vote; Biden: I've tried to focus on Trump, not attacking other Democratic candidates;



House leaves for holidays without sending articles to Senate; Pelosi invites Trump to deliver State of the Union Feb 4; Can Trump argue he hasn't been impeached if articles not sent?; Wash Post: Trump got Ukraine election conspiracy from Putin; Sources: Trump distressed Senate trial might be delayed; 25 Jewish members of Congress call for Trump adviser Stephen Miller to resign; Vulnerable Senate Dems risk re-election with impeachment vote; Rivals take on Buttigieg in final debate of the year; Biden: I am best to beat Trump and unite country; Trump attacks evangelical magazine after editor says he's "morally lost" & "should be removed"; WA State lawmaker accused of "domestic terrorism" uses Trump impeachment as defense;  via Knit