M?m? Call

21: Gender Equality is the Way to Unscrew Women



From the Korea where women have to get plastic surgery just to meet the specs for the "good" jobs and from the state where requiring health providers to bury or cremate fetal remains still gets pushed as a precedent despite the concept being stricken down by the Judiciary twice, this is MēMē Call. In this episode, Paul and Wayne dissect some key points about gender equality, and they talk about how men can lean-in with women without losing their man card. [Find the show notes at memecall.com.](http://www.lingobeast.com/memecall/2018/06/06/021-gender-equality/) **We want to thank Xavier Lee and Mark Calvin for leaning into MeMe Call, and we also want to thank Aidan Clancy for being the bystander. We would be remiss if we didn't thank our patrons, and last but not least, we absolutely have to thank the Blue Tits.** Leave us a review on iTunes or at memecallpodcast.com, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share your thoughts on gender equality with us. [Wayne Valley on FB](https://www.facebook.