33% Pulp

The Chiffon Scarf Part 1: Shut Up and Eat Your Flapjacks



The Chiffon Scarf (1939) is Daniel's last book this season! In his episode, we meet SEVERAL characters, some of whom meet their demise. Protagonist Eden Shore hopes to deliberately induce marriage, Averill Blaine invites only her best enemies to her plantation wedding, and City Slickers gets a shout out. **NB: We apologize for the audio quality. Our guests Mike and Mary were both sick and didn't realize they were recording from their laptop mic.   The promo this week was for Flicks Xrayed! Check out their website, Twitter, and Instagram! --- From the back cover: MIGNON G. EBERHART WRITES A MYSTERY ABOUT MURDER IN THE SKY... Beautiful Eden Shore took a plane back to St. Louis for the wedding of an old friend. Swiftly, she made several new enemies--and fell in love with the prospective bridegroom. That was only the beginning of a seven-day nightmare--with a climactic flight into murder most foul. -- Some relevant characters: Eden Shore: Main character that wants to deliberately induce marriage. Averill Blaine