33% Pulp

The Chiffon Scarf Part 2: Lady Fingerprints



Mary and Mike recap this middle third of The Chiffon Scarf in our first FOUR-PERSON book recap! In this episode, they each take 16.67% (rounded up) of the middle third and walk us through some major developments: there's more bad news for the Blaine family, Eden gets her hands on everything, and Dorothy is still around. There are also several reminders this book was published in 1939, in the form of racial, gendered, and nativist stereotypes that are as subtle as a stranger on Sloane's ranch. **NB: We apologize for the audio quality. Our guests Mike and Mary were both sick and didn't realize they were recording from their laptop mic. The content is so good though, we hope you won't notice!   The promo this week was for Make it Modern! Check out their show on iTunes, Twitter, and Facebook! --- From the back cover: MIGNON G. EBERHART WRITES A MYSTERY ABOUT MURDER IN THE SKY... Beautiful Eden Shore took a plane back to St. Louis for the wedding of an old friend. Swiftly, she made several new enemies--and fell