Our Strange Skies

You Were Gone But You Never Really Left: One of Many Fascinating Aspects: An Overview of the Abduction Phenomenon with Rich Hatem



What's up, ufonauts?! This week, I'm joined by Rich Hatem (https://twitter.com/RichardHatem) , screenwriter of The Mothman Prophecies and of the new DC series, Titans (https://www.dccomics.com/) , to run down all the aspects of the abduction phenomenon, from the process of the abduction, to the characteristics to abductees, and the beings that take them. We also cover some of the atypical aspects of the phenomenon, and introduce some of the major players and events that define the phenomenon. Rich also presents a theory that is really compelling. You don't want to miss this episode! Show Notes (https://www.ourstrangeskies.com/you-were-gone-but-you-never-really-left-one-of-many-fascinating-aspects)