Our Strange Skies

The UFO Book Club 2: The Experiencer Not the Experience: Somewhere in the Skies by Ryan Sprague with Brian and Angelo from Double Density and Sensual Podcaster Sam Fredrickson of Not Alone



What's up, ufonauts?! Welcome to the second edition of the UFO Book Club. This time, Brian (https://twitter.com/BrianHastie) , Angelo (https://twitter.com/angelofioren) , Sam (https://twitter.com/BeerlordElfbane) , and myself explore the nuances of Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to an Alien Phenomenon (https://www.amazon.com/Somewhere-Skies-Human-Approach-Phenomenon/dp/0967799589/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1528732571&sr=8-1&keywords=somewhere+in+the+skies) by Ryan Sprague (https://twitter.com/RyanSprague51) . We talk about the how this phenomenon manifests, how stupid the "why do UFOs have lights on them?" argument is, Angelo pretends to be Jason for a minute, and about the metaphysical aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Show Notes (https://www.ourstrangeskies.com/the-ufo-book-club-2-the-experiencer-not-the-experience-somewhere-in-the-skies-by-ryan-sprague)