Our Strange Skies

Free Patreon Episode! Their Strange Skies, Episode Three- Each Thing In Its Own Time: The Abductions of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta



What's up, ufonauts?! To give you an idea of what we cover over on Patreon, I offer the latest installment of Their Strange Skies free for everyone. This month we;re in Italy, looking at the abductions of a 26 year old security guard, Pier Fortunato Zanfretta. Over the course of two years he is abducted repeatedly by a group of very tall and strange beings. They include Zanfretta on their plans to make Earth a new home, and to initiate contact with the human species. Though the aliens would never build their domed city on earth, we are left with one of the most fascinating abduction accounts ever recorded, complete with physical evidence! Show Notes (https://www.ourstrangeskies.com/free-patreon-epsidoe-their-strange-skies-episode-three-each-thing-in-its-own-time)