The Lead With Jake Tapper

Explosive Testimony Further Implicates Trump In Ukraine Scheme; Revelation About Trump Phone Call Was A Surprise To White House; One-on-one with newest 2020 Dem Deval Patrick; Sheriff: Two Teenagers Killed, Three Injured In California School Shooting;



More impeachment witnesses to testify in just Hours; Dems question Sondland's truthfulness as new info emerges; Former Republican Rep. Amash: Why won't Trump let officials with first-hand knowledge testify?; Trump showed GOP Senators transcript of First Ukraine call; Official: WH Staff caught off guard by testimony Trump overheard talking Ukraine probes on phone; Bill Clinton's message to Trump on impeachment & guns; Deval Patrick Jumps Into Crowded Dem 2020 Field; Newest 2020 Dem Talks Big Corporations, guns and impeachment; Sheriff: Two teenagers killed, three Injured in California school shooting; Gunman in custody; Victims describe hearing gunshots, escaping school shooting; Sheriff: gunman killed classmates on his 16th birthday; CNN: Trump DC Hotel sales pitch highlights foreign govt. business; RNC to host annual meeting at Trump Doral Resort; Putin-controlled media relishes impeachment chaos; via Knit