Polytechnicast - Interactive Storyteller

Polytechnicast - Serving Four Groups to Practice UX for All



Continuing the UX for All series I talk about how the series is evolving beyond offering a starting point for UX tools. I describe four groups who each have goals that affect your UX design work: your audience, your organization, your team, and you. Then I describe some of the worthwhile conflict you can uncover through including all four and what might happen if you choose to avoid it. Related Links and Resources Drawing User Journey Maps to Design User Experiences, Gather Ideas, and Collaborate - on SALE through November 2019 For Skillshare subscribers or those new to Skillshare who'd like to sign up for 2 free months + get the Drawing User Journey Maps class Rob Stenzinger - Maker, teacher, and coach for experience design, games, and collaboration Blog of an Interactive Storyteller Art Soundoff Lean Into Art Art and Science Punks Guitar Fretter - mobile and deskop game to play and learn the note positions on a guitar fretboard Coachin