8mill Productions

Being a Content Creator is Not All Glitz and Glamour



Most people have the perception that being a content creator is all fun and games, but the truth is that it requires a lot of sacrifice, dedication, focus, hard work, and consistency. Links to articles: Are YouTube’s Algorithms Fueling Creator Burnout?- https://variety.com/2018/digital/features/youtube-creators-alisha-marie-michelle-phan-1202919304/amp/ The Tell Tale Signs of Burnout ... Do You Have Them? - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/high-octane-women/201311/the-tell-tale-signs-burnout-do-you-have-them?amp The Worst Things About Being A YouTuber - https://contentcareer.com/blog/the-worst-things-about-being-a-youtuber/ YouTube is failing its creators - https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/9/21/17879652/youtube-creator-youtuber-burnout-problem The YouTube stars heading for burnout: ‘The most fun job imaginable became deeply bleak’ - https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/08/youtube-stars-burnout-fun-bleak-stressed How to Tell You Have Reached the Point of Burnout - https://www.verywe