Brain Bitez

9 - Real Monster of Florence



The ‘Mostro di Firenze’, is literally translated to the Monster of Florence, the name given to the person responsible for the death of at least 14 people near Florence between 1968 and 1985. The Monster of Florence has intrigued investigators, psychologists, and criminologists for decades because it is the only crime case of its type in the history of criminology. The case is considered one of criminology's most baffling mysteries putting it right up there with the Jack the Ripper case. So with an investigation spanning over 40 years it is going to be easy to make a cerebral feast out of a story that is not only filled with mystery… but it also has a dash of romance, drama, and a whole lot of horror. It doesn’t matter if you are out on a date, looking for an excuse to get out of a bad date, or out for a late night drive… Its time to feed your mind… its time for BRAIN BITEZ. Hey… I just wanted to say thank you one more time for listening. If you like what you’ve heard go and tell some friends… word of mouth is