Brain Bitez

10 - Yesteryears Horror Special: The Real Haunting In Connecticut



“Mom, this house is evil. We need to leave here right away!” This is not something you want to hear your kids tell you after entering a new house for the first time that you just put money down on. Yet that is exactly what Carmen's son Philip told her only 2 hours after being in their house on 208 Meridan Avenue in Southington, Connecticut. This location was going to be the answer to many of the families problems. Little did they know that this dream home was going to turn into a house of nightmares very quickly. From disembodied voices and shadowy figures to demons and possession, lets take a look at one of Connecticut's darkest tales. With it being the month of October I thought it would be fun to do a special edition episode which I have dubbed “A Yesteryears Horror”. For this special edition episode what better to sink our teeth into then a haunted house. So join us as we look through the audio window into the most terrifying moments of a families life as we dig deep into the real haunting in Connecticut.