Brain Bitez

11 - The 300 Spartans and Their Final Stand At Thermopylae



In the ancient world of Greece at the Narrow pass of Thermopylae several thousand Greek soldiers await an onslaught of epic proportions. They will soon come face to face with the Great army of the Persian empire. The largest fighting force ever assembled in the ancient world. However, at the other end of this battle is 300 of the most fierce and brutal warriors of their time. They are the Spartans. Considered the mightiest force of its time, the 300 Spartans had one job… and that was to hold the pass or die trying. Its going to get sweaty, bloody, and very testosterony around here… so join us as we march into one of the famous last stands in history… today… on Brain Bitez. If you have a suggestion for a future episode or a correction on a previous one, you can reach me at: or check out the website at Hey… I just wanted to say thank you one more time for listening. If you like what you’ve heard, go and tell some friends… word of mouth is so hug