Brain Bitez

18 - Cyborgs: Our Future or The End Of Humanity



Look anywhere in our society today and you can see these mechanical characters in all forms of media. From books and podcasts to TV shows and Movies. Shoot there is even a very famous DC comics superhero with that very name. But what really is a cyborg? The term is short for "cybernetic organism", which is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. The term was coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline. But are the fictional characters we have today exactly what these two men were dreaming of when they created the term? Would they be proud of the cyborgs we have created with our imaginations and how far are we from taking our imaginations and turning it into reality? Well we are going to be covering all this and more as we step into the world of cybernetics and see just how far behind we will leave the realm of science fiction today on Brain Bitez. Have a comment about a previous episode or an idea for a future topic? Well get your fingers all warmed up and reach us at: www.brainbitez