Paper Cuts

Tallahassee Zine Fest



Guest: Colleen Itani and Kelly Lorraine Hendrickson of TZF and Alexa Turnbull of Seether Bookstore Host:  Christopher Kardambikis Recorded on February 23rd, 2019 at The Bark. Tallahassee Zine Fest is an all inclusive festival allowing the Tallahassee community to showcase self published books and a variety of other types of printed matter. TZF is a platform for the DIY community and merges locals, academics, and anyone interested in printed media. People also travel into Tallahassee to sell work at a table, purchase zines, or just experience the festival. The atmosphere is casual which gives all attendees a chance to talk with each other face to face, about zines, zine related projects, and art work in general. TZF was started in 2018 and is set for its second year with over 40 participants, lots of volunteers, and a small board of directors. It is constantly adapting and growing to fit the needs of the Tallahassee and national zine community. Big things are happening. Colleen Itani is an interdisci