Random Badassery

140: Connecting Thoughts



Chad and Tom talk about connecting thoughts and why so often it feels as if there is something holding us back from deep thought. When considering the things we enjoy, it often feels as if others are able to craft intelligent ideas into fascinating writing and art while we feel that our thoughts are just out of grasp. Chad sets out a plan to strengthen his cognition through tools like walking, journaling, daydreaming, and scrap paper. Featured Charity: St. Jude's (https://www.stjude.org/donate/donate-to-st-jude.html?sc_icid=header-btn-donate-now) 4:31 Red Hand Files #59 (https://www.theredhandfiles.com/my-girlfrieng-refuses-to-read-my-writing/) . finding inspiration right in front of you . Reality is Analog: Philosophizing with Stranger Things (https://www.metapsychosis.com/reality-is-analog-philosophizing-with-stranger-things-part-one/) . mental haze . feeling out of sync 14:10 Thinking, Fast & Slow | Daniel Kahneman (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0374533555/reawitrazbla-20) . system 1 & system 2 th