Community Theater Heroes

2.2 - James Van Eaton & Alicia Turvin



Episode Description: Hey all of you C.T. Heroes out there! In this episode we interview playwright James Van Eaton and director, Alicia Turvin about their original production titled Help Me premiering at the Fertile Ground Festival in Portland, OR. Help Me tells the story of a male college student named Joe who enters a hyper-realistic simulation and finds himself cast as a number of women, each faced with the daunting task of refusing the sexual advances of men. Help Me plays at Twilight Theater Company on January 31st at 6pm and 9pm. To purchase tickets please visit twilighttheatercompany.orgEpisode Guests:James Van Eaton (Playwright of Help Me) & Alicia Turvin (Director of Help Me)Episode Hosts:Chris Murphy (Creator/Co-Host), Crystal Lemons (Guest Host), Sarah Fuller (Production Manager/Co-Host)Episode Sponsors: This episode is brought to you by Twilight Theater Company in Portland, OR. Twilight Theater is a not-for-profit organization that endeavors to meet a growing need for accessible, innovative th