Community Theater Heroes

2.3 - Beth Lewis



Episode Description: Hey all of you C.T. Heroes out there! In this episode we interview Beth Lewis who is an actor by trade, but, also wears SO MANY hats in the theatre world. Beth is the managing director of Bag & Baggage theatre in Hillsboro, OR, she is a Core Company Member of Original Practice Shakespeare Company, and  is the Board President of The Portland Area Theatre Alliance. In this episode she discusses her work with all three companies, sheds some light on what she is doing to help foster more diversity and equity in the Portland theatre community, and she shares a hilarious horror story of while working on set in New York. We hope you enjoy this episode! Episode Guests:Beth Lewis - Bag & Baggage (Managing Director), Portland Area Theatre Alliance (Board President), Original Practice Shakespeare Company (Core Company Member)Episode Hosts:Chris Murphy (Co-Host), Jennifer Logan (Co-Host), Sarah Fuller (Production Manager/Co-Host)Episode Sponsors: This episode is brought to you by Ba