Paper Cuts

Homie House Press



Guest: Adriana Monsalve Host: Christopher Kardambikis Recorded on March 14, 2018 @ The National Portrait Gallery Homie House Press is a skeleton bones crew of femmes creating + publishing in the foto book medium. We are book makers + educators holding space for and with QTPOC artists + other marginalized groups. We are a playground where fotos become books, a safe space for secret stories and an open house for honest content. Find us migrating through the in between, the world wide web, and al otro lado del charco.  Adriana Monsalve: "I’m a storyteller and visual communicator that produces in-depth stories on identity through the nuances in between. As a daughter of immigrants from the Caribbean Republic of Colombia, I have struggled with the concept of 'home.' As immigrants, we are everywhere and we have to belong somewhere so we’ve made habitats for ourselves in pocket towns of people like us.  I’m documenting to show you something I’ve found and ultimately, something I am." --- Support this podcast: h