Paper Cuts

Denise Bookwalter and SCAP



Guest: Denise Bookwalter Host:  Christopher Kardambikis Recorded on February 22nd, 2019 at the Facility for Arts Research at Florida State University.  Denise Bookwalter works in a range of print media including traditional and digital processes, artist’s books, installations and dimensional prints. Her artists’ books utilize old and new print technologies to create collaborative artists’ books. Her work has been exhibited and collected in a variety of venues across the country and abroad. She received her BA from Northwestern University and her MFA from Indiana University in Printmaking. Denise currently lives in Tallahassee, Florida with her husband and twin girls. She is an Associate Professor of Art at Florida State University where she teaches printmaking and is Area Head of the Printmaking Department. She is the director and founder of Florida State University’s artists’ book press, Small Craft Advisory Press. Founded in 2009, Small Craft Advisory Press (SCAP) is an artists book press at Flori