Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Boze Noze Show



It's open line Wednesday on The Boze Noze Show with your host West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich. The ballots are in and we will be talking about that and anything else that is on your mind feel free to call us with your opinion pro-or con at 646-721-9887 or shoot us an email and we will read your comments on the air. Did you vote for or against the jail levy? If so why did you or why did you not? Did you vote? If not, why not? And, because it's open line Wednesday… We'll talk about anything other than the jail levy as well. This is your chance to speak directly with a Lane County Commissioner so feel free to give him a call even if it's just to say hi. You can listen on your phone by dialing 646-721-9887 and if you'd like to join the conversation, simply press "1" and that let's the call screener know that you wish to join the conversation. You can also listen online at and if you missed the program, all shows are archived and available as podcasts on KRBNradio.n