Family Aau Talk

Social Media Sunday with the Delaware Blogger - Ep #26



New Year - New You - Getting lean and mean in the Spring. Getting regular physical activity is vital for healthy aging. It can help delay, prevent, or manage many costly chronic diseases faced by adults 50 years or older. Physical activity can also reduce the risk of premature death. Gym memberships can be expensive, and when you add personal training costs on top of that, it soon adds up, which is why virtual training is becoming very popular.  A virtual personal trainer is a fully qualified personal trainer who can prepare a workout program for you based on what you want to achieve, whether it be weight loss, strength or just getting in better shape. If you're desperate to start an exercise regime and simply can't even afford a virtual personal trainer, then there's an app for that in the world of digital personal training. All you need is a smartphone or iPod and to find an app that allows you to track your progress, counts calories and suggests exercises based on your goals. There are hundreds of apps