Family Aau Talk

Social Media Sunday with the Delaware Blogger - Es #28



According toNAWBO, National Association of Women Business Owners there are more than 9.4 million firms that are owned by women, employing nearly 7.9 million people, and generating $1.5 trillion in sales as of 2015.  However, only 8.1 percent of top earners and 14.6 percent of executive officers in corporate America are women. With social media we now have the power to build our own public platforms, and for women, this new reality provides an opportunity to completely bypass traditional power structures.  The number of people connected on Facebook is roughly equal to China’s population and being online, women business owners have the power to reach more individuals, build stronger communities and have a greater impact than ever before. This evening we will be discussing the power of webinars for women in business and how they can be used as a tool for branding and marketing products and services.  My special guest is Valerie Brown-Baul, Founder & Chair of Spiritual Path Alliance.