Family Aau Talk

Social Media Sunday with the Delaware Blogger - Chat with Lisa Bryant



In today’s society, not only are we, working adults running around a mile per minute dealing with daily stress, but so are many in the younger generation, more specifically Generation Z or those born from 1998 to 2016.   So if, I told you that there was a 15-20 minute activity that could decrease stress levels, improve your health and memory, strengthen writing and problem-solving skills, and motivates you to reach your goals, would you do it? Would it help to know it’s also free and you don’t have to leave the house?   I’m talking about keeping a journal. This evening we’re going to talk about how taking time to write is healthy and why you should make journaling part of your daily or weekly routine. Special Guest, Lisa Wright Bryant, author of “You Are Enough: Keeping It 100 With Yourself” is a book/journal that encourages young adults to face the potentially paralyzing traps of their past and/or present that could stop them from living the life that they were created to live. The goal is to empower the