
Episode 9 OutCast PodCast Walkabout



Scratch and Bite Outcast.9.The Walkabout Yoweeee PodCastOffs. Welcome to OutCast the Podcast on walkabout in outback Australia. The Stiffies opened our journey tonight as a warning to all those who trek the wilds of the planet … you to could end up in “Swampland” After that “Crash and Burn” we discover the North Coasts “Hammerfish” was home to both “The Stiffies” Ryan and Greg from “The Outcome”.and foreshadows Greg’s path through various noise machines until “The Crimson Project“, remodelled as “ The Violation of Silence” and now in its final form “The Outcome” definitely will “Keep Running”. The Outcome, a powerful machine indeed. If you cruised round this great land of ocean and desert, You would have no doubt met “Gypsy Dave” sitting at his campfire near some lonely Billabong reminiscing about the “Bye and Bye”. Unfortunately “Gypsy Dave” passed away late this year, living the Rock and Roll lifestyle to the end and teaching a new generation of noisemakers his art. Gypsy Dave (Ian Thomas) was a