Radio Gonzo

GONZO MAGAZINE #265: Jon meets Erik Norlander



I once described my career as having consisted of "hanging around in bars with celebrities". And this is not that far from the truth. I have been interviewing famous, and not so famous, people about sex, drugs, and rock and roll (supposedly the latter) for well over 35yrs now, and I have found that - unfortunately - quite a few of the people with whom I converse in the course of my journalistic duties, singularly fail to live up to their reputations as being 'damn nice chaps'. No-one will probably be that surprised to know that some of the rock and rollers with whom I have had dealings over the years are selfish, self-absorbed, greedy and sometimes just plain nasty. But, luckily, the really bad ones are in the minority. Sadly, the really nice ones are also few and far between. One of the nicest people whom I have come to know over the past five years of sitting in the editorial chair of this fine publication is a keyboard player called Erik Norlander. He has always been kind, helpful, and generous. Back in