Snap Shots

Episode 25 - Bright Festival of Photography 2019



Episode 25 is slightly different to the normal format here! I have 2 guests, Nick Fletcher and Matt Krumins, both have been previous guests on the podcast. But we got together on episode 25 to talk about this years Bright Festival of Photography. You've heard me talk about it before!This years festival will be on the 20th-22nd of September, the important dates are- 1st of July - Tickets go on sale!!!- 25th of August - Workshop Booking Portal Opens- 8th September - Additional Workshop Payment Portal Opens- All this is explained in the podcastThis episode is full or awesome info on this years festival so if you are thinking of coming along, listen to this episode. Matt and Nick explain how the ticketing and workshop booking system will work (THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO) and they also run through this year instructor list and tell us about other events and things that will take place. This years event will be bigger and better again and I am super pumped to get up there again!