
Literally Far From Home



This is another wandering episode so it looks like I happen to be far from home But yes obviously I just saw the movie and thats whats going on today guys Ill cut right to it and say Spiderman was amazing and super entertaining The movies lighthearted innocence of highschool life and romance is just as good as the superhero quest which surprised me The same way AntMan and the Wasp had a tough act to follow Far From Home takes place after the biggest movie in the MCU They offer some explanations and perspective on the The Blip formerly The Snap and actually does a pretty neat job of tying it all together This was the first movie Ive seen solo as an adult and it was a good time I had a half day from work invited a few friends but to no avail So I plopped down and saw it and yeah pleasant experience overall I found that not having someone talking to you during the movie is cool but occasionally youd like to say something yourself to your neighbor and thats the only things thats not really an option One thing abo