
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 29:41:21
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Greetings! This podcast is a relaxed space for me (Elliot) to dish out talks on a whole bunch of dorky topics. You like movie reviews? I do 'em! You thoroughly enjoy comics? Well so do I! Whether you want to hear my take on something, throwing around some original ideas, or just listen to like-minded folks with similar interests, you're in the right place. I've always had an appreciation for ASMR videos, being a person who's had a hard time falling asleep for the last 15 years. And my intention was never to create a channel playing it up, but I've been told by a lot of people that in person/in episode my voice has an ASMR-ish quality to it. So why not, feel free to get as many tingles as you can while you're here. All my videos are pretty low energy and devoid of background noises, so that's a plus.Also I'm genuinely happy to hear suggestions and ideas, so if you have something you want covered let's hear it! I like discovering new and weird stuff. So if there's a comic from 1983 that you don't think enough people are talking about, shout it out. Or if you're unhappy that no one is reviewing the latest HeroClix set, let's change that (small crowd for that one).Hopefully you like what you hear, and I'll do my best to make content that doesn't suck. I do all my recordings in one, earnest sitting, without any kind of fancy editing. Or editing at all. So at the very least, I can say it's authentic. Enjoy guys!Reach the podcast on Twitter at: out my interview:


  • Dragon Age; Beanquisition

    22/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    Good tidings to you!So I've clocked around 100 hours of "Dragon Age; Inquisition" on the PS4, and that's coming at it with no background knowledge. Never played the previous games, read the books, know the memes, etc. Just jumping into a big 'ol fantasy world. I had a great time though and wanted to give my very poorly articulated history of the world, as well as some insights about my play-through.Possibly more of this game coming soon, I hear there's cheap DLC available. Hope everyone is keeping safe, healthy and alive out there. Masks on people! Cheers

  • A Series of Serious Pods, To Go!

    22/06/2020 Duration: 51min

    We're living in an uncomfortable time. The global pandemic is only compounded by the fact that there's no movies/sports, an economic depression is looming, murder hornets are on the way and now we're on the brink of a race war. That's an exaggeration but it's still not great. I've been grappling with what's been transpiring as much as the next person, and in a series of recordings over the past week I've tried to make some sense of things. We're of course learning new things everyday and moving forward which is great. But the momentum, the right momentum, needs to continue to prevent an easy slip back into the pitfalls of the past.

  • A Shortened Bean Podito

    22/06/2020 Duration: 16min

    Hey hey. So I can`'t even remember what``'s in this episode, it's been that kind of a month. Anyway, I'm back with another episode, for whatever that's worth! (?)

  • Back in Beans

    09/02/2020 Duration: 29min

    This is post time-skip, so to speak.Coming back to the game after a few month hiatus. Raising a human and working a job, but also starting my own business on the side has left a narrow margin of time for fun things. And somehow Fallout 4 has been getting a lot of it. I think content will be a little edgier moving forward, and maybe expect it every few weeks to start. I'll get faster I promise. Thanks for listening.

  • Error, Podcast Not Found

    09/02/2020 Duration: 31min

    I can't remember when I made it, or even what it contains. Such is often the nature of this podcast so I'm rolling with it. Expect a few episodes to be published all at once soon, and then more to trickle in. Thanks for tuning in and your patience.

  • Boats and Joes

    09/02/2020 Duration: 25min

    Like everyone else in the universe, I had an opinion on Joker. I liked it, listen to hear the specifics I guess. Cheers! 

  • Once Upon a Siesta, with a lil' Halo 3 sprinkled in

    13/08/2019 Duration: 51min

    A good day to you all This was another exploratory episode where we all get the pleasure of listening to the widewide world outside My mic picks up it all so enjoy the ambiance of a gentle breeze trees rustling and of course some cars I took a bit of a siesta this time and decided to make the most of some free time and record I still happen to be foaming at the mouth about how good Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is so this is the episode to talk about it What a movie what a cast and what a time in both Hollywood and world history Since Inglorious Bastards is already on my alltime favorite movie list I knew this one would follow suit And like we get into I adore historical revisionist films Any writer that puts in the effort to create a new alternative telling of accepted historical situationstruths is alright in my books Heavy recommendation of this movie if youve not caught it yetHalo 3 is GOAT of couch shooters hands down I had Goldeneye Unreal Tournament and nearly every other title that people tote as a co

  • SDCC is here, so let's get opinionated!

    25/07/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Thats right it was nerd Mecca last weekend and as per usual that means we got teased with the upcoming docket of shows and movies Just like with everything else Disney was there to outdo everyone and unzipflop out their schedule onto the table Id felt a bit of a different reaction than in previous years mostly because I feel disinterested in a substantial majority of things coming out Now Im not an asshole Neither am I a bigot fascist or anything else you can be called for disagreeing with the status quo But the fact is weve got to talk about the Disney lineup and these Subscription Wars as a whole which are coming fast I dont care for a lot of the IPs theyre basing the content on and Ill go as far as to say some of the casting similarly isnt great But I do love Marvel so I give them a grain of salt and a fair shake Hopefully Im way off base with my predictions on this upcoming season but who knowsIve also been having big developments in the world of fathering As Arthur gets cuter he gets comparably smarter t

  • Literally Far From Home

    16/07/2019 Duration: 26min

    This is another wandering episode so it looks like I happen to be far from home But yes obviously I just saw the movie and thats whats going on today guys Ill cut right to it and say Spiderman was amazing and super entertaining The movies lighthearted innocence of highschool life and romance is just as good as the superhero quest which surprised me The same way AntMan and the Wasp had a tough act to follow Far From Home takes place after the biggest movie in the MCU They offer some explanations and perspective on the The Blip formerly The Snap and actually does a pretty neat job of tying it all together This was the first movie Ive seen solo as an adult and it was a good time I had a half day from work invited a few friends but to no avail So I plopped down and saw it and yeah pleasant experience overall I found that not having someone talking to you during the movie is cool but occasionally youd like to say something yourself to your neighbor and thats the only things thats not really an option One thing abo

  • Pirates of the Caribbean 6; Oceans Apart

    28/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    Ahoy I couldnt keep my swashes buckled so were going to go into another PotC episode I was working on somethings in a state of babyinduced insomnia and thought I created a winner for the plottheme of the next Pirates adventure Were going to take it to another part of the world again and explore a seafaring culture that would mesh really well with the current world and loreOceans Apart sees the familiar crew return to grapple with new threats After being cast around in a magic storm or something they wind up in Maori territory making friends and enemies out of the local pirates and traders The Rock will obviously be the integral Maori protagonist or antagonist not sure but itll be a solid dynamic between him and Johnny Depp Plus the Rock is box office gold and this series needs something to stay afloat Expect island mysticism deities from the local heritage and just a real good time overall I tested recording outside combining multiple audio tracks and a few other techniques in this pod So please do excuse any

  • Noodles at Noon, let's talk about Shanghai

    04/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    The film series not the Chinese city But both are great shoutout to your thicc noods Shanghai best noodles in all of China in this humble nonChinese guys opinionI started to record this episode with the hope that I was going to spin together a worthwhile fanfiction on one of my absolute favorite comedies But as much as I did some Wikipedia show prep notes in the end it got offtrack because of how much I like the series Its easy to just get ranting One day Ill post a link to the story being fleshed out regarding The House of Obannon and the eternal presence they had in the WestAs a kid Jackie Chan was a hero of mine One of the most skilled martial artist in film he could take any fight and make it jawdropping and dangerous whilst also being able to play for laughs with those punches They had lightning in a bottle with the odd couplebuddy cop mixture of Jackie with a wise cracking partner Rush Hour is great Id say 2 was the best but both Shanghai movies are an absolute delight Watch them immediately if you have

  • Sun, Moon, Son, Suit

    04/06/2019 Duration: 34min

    Dr Seuss eat your heart outIts podcast time guys and today is half and half for nerd shit vs reallife content I was at a wedding the official BM of the ceremony if you will Having been married last year I can safely say attending a wedding is probably more fun than hosting one Yes not as special as your own wedding and its not for you but daaamn I had very little to do at this wedding besides have fun Whereas at my own wedding and Im sure at lots of yours a lot of time was spent running the show dealing with dramafamily kissing your spouse in front a thirsty crowd banging the table and chanting etc Anyway it was a nice time Mazels to two very special peeps in my life Besides that just expect more wadding into the dad pool Lil Art is every bit as cute as ever but has become nocturnal and avoids sleeping at night at all costs So thats fun Complaints are limited though as wifey definitely is getting the worse end of the stickLets talk about Pokemon Sun and Moon I actually hated this show for a while I caught the

  • Fortnite on film. And Jaqen H'ghar was the white horse.

    24/05/2019 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to the postThrones world Season 8 has come to an end and as literally anyone on the internet will tell you it sucked Combining the disappointments of tons of abandoned character arcs complete departure from good writing and some stupid deaths the show that captured the worlds attention will conclude as anticlimactically as possible Youll hear me rant enough in the podcast but as per the title heres my theory obviously we know Jaqen hghar can go anywhere and be anyone So why not an animal like a horse Perhaps another faceless man is working the bottom half of the horse costume Also that horse belonged to Harry Strickland who led the Golden Companys attempted defense of Kings Landing So its very within the realm of possibility that Jaqen could have infiltrated the Golden Company somewhere in Essos But the most important Easter egg The reason the white horse remained white unburned mostly and clean throughout the flames of Kings Landing Because Strickland anything is always clean efficient and way better

  • Avengers Endgame, world's greatest movie and emotional roller-coaster

    29/04/2019 Duration: 55min

    Weve reached the end of the game Welcome back everyone and if its not clear theres going to spoilers galore today You were warned The Avengers brings to a conclusion the Infinity Saga effectively the greatest and largest cinematic undertaking of all time The action was thrilling and absolutely unforgettable I would say literally jaw dropping The characters were all given a time to shine and growth to be demonstrated Questions were finally answered and interconnections were strengthened retroactively across all of the MCU I am not ashamed to say I cried several times and have been struggling with what to do now that Ive seen the worlds greatest movie In this pod I delve deep into what I loved the most in Avengers and if you too were salivating through the parts where Cap wielded Mjolnir I feel you Theres nothing Ive ever experienced like the collective heightened excitement of that theater full of people All gasping crying and laughing the way through a full 3 hour film I already cant wait to see it again I ca

  • This is it, a weekend for nerds like no other

    26/04/2019 Duration: 53min

    Oh you know whats going on this weekend Unless you live under an Amish roof youll probably realize that Endgame is finally here All that wait buildup and suspense is finally going to be paid off I get a bit sentimental thinking about how Infinity War made such an impression on me it pushed me into finally making my podcast And here we are now for the second part of the dream Anyway as youll hear me rant on about theres no need to treat this as a review recommend or warn Go see it Even if youre not a superhero movie fan fucking casuals Theres not been a movie event like this in our lifetime and I hope everyone gets to experience the hype My ticket has been burning a hole in my pocket for weeks so I cant wait for tomorrow Ill be filling my time well after the movie because Im going to take some time for a long deep dive into the return of drum roll the Avengers x Fortnite crossovers Oh man this iswas my jam I mean statistically those are the two topics that come up the most on my channel maybe neck and neck wi

  • The hopes and anxiousness of impending Fatherhood

    23/04/2019 Duration: 50min

    Hola Ill keep it brief today because this episode is a bit of a departure from the nerd hash Im usually slinging Ive got about 2 weeks left before my wife is expecting to give birth to our son Arthur very stoked And its also a little under a week before Endgame comes out Id say theres sufficient enough stuff going on that it was time to get real So Im sharing with yall some of my fears hopes and feels that are coming with FatherhoodThe bar has been really low for me Dadwise and Ill have to go into that in more detail as the days go on The father you have growing up is a huge impact on your parenting decisions for better or worse So Ive been escaping to my usual preferred fantasy realms made easier with Game of Thrones season 8 FINALLY arriving Weve got episode 3 coming out this Sunday and the battle against the Night King has come Its been hyped to a peak for years now so lets hope its glorious Who am I kidding it will be Its pretty much the convergence this weekend if youre a Nerd of any caliber or varietyMo

  • Full Leaked Review of Endgame

    05/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    Nah Im April foolin Sorry for that deception or was it clickbait but yes it is April Fools today Im going to talk a little bit about how annoying this day makes people but therell be legitimate content in there too Plus I guarantee you didnt know it was Susan Boyles birthday Ill even share from my own sordid past of botched but well meant pranks At the 2400 minute mark the podcasts talks about CinemaSins and the awesome content they put out Id post their links but Im pretty confident in you listeners being able to Google it They have a great YouTube channel Podcast Patreon and pretty much anything else you could have I love their brand to bits and they form a sort of Triforce of movie understanding reviewing and critiquing when those 3 gentlemen get together And if you were living under a rock again this week take note Endgame tickets are on sale And its utter madness out there I got up at 4AM to buy me and my groups tickets I had set a google search notification for keywords like Endgame tickets Toronto

  • The SICKEST episode ever. Age of Sickmar runs deep.

    21/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    Get ready for an ill episodeIll stop with the dad jokes now but in case you missed the point Im not feeling too good I dont usually get sick one of those people I know but after a brutal Winter its inevitable Also doesnt help when your partner is sick and you do literally everything together No blaming though I have a pretty bad cold and I made the choice to come to work Im not that much of an ass Im ensuring minimal germ spread at every chance I get Including recording in the isolated Turbine Room I also Purell like a BEAST But gotta work my dudes Anyway expect a stranger voice some sniffles and pretty sure I cough too Yeah enjoy I hope its not too badAge of Sigmar get that title joke now is the new brand of Fantasy Warhammer Smaller more diverse warbands have taken the place of the larger regimental army styles of earlier editions Whats been so interesting is the diversity it affords you in assembling the army As I get into my team is a pretty dynamic team up But will purposefully and respectfully be devoid

  • You can dislike Captain Marvel without being an @$!hole about it.

    15/03/2019 Duration: 51min

    Its true And by the way guys enjoy the sweet sounds of nothing in this recording as Ive moved out of the turbine and into a space for the requested peacequiet So a very happy Friday to yall because this has just felt like the longest week glad thats over Just as I started the pod out with happy St Patricks Day Shout out to my Irish friend Patrick whom I always think of on the day This year the weekend will be less painting the town red and more painting the kitchen white True story new coat I always had a good time you get the emerald beer and go ape with the lads But once youve worked a restaurant pub club etc you know the gross unmasked side of the debauchery Not that its less fun per say but definitely puts it into perspective Try seeing a guy get stabbed at 3AM on your way outta work closing the bar on St Pattys puts a dent in stuff I feel markedly aged considering how slow this years pace will be though I wasnt really too much of a party boy over the years I dabbled but this is nice Last weeks episode wa

  • Alita 2: Blood Angel

    14/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    Praise the Throne its podcast time And throw on your Mechanicus robes because Alita 2 is going full Warhammer 40K Blood Angel as in the Space Marine Chapter though Im just using it as a title pun since those guys blow I obviously have the complete leaked script for Alita 2 oh yes and the story definitely confirms that it takes place on an Imperial noncomplaint world out there in the expanse Man it sure would be something if any of that was true Alita is adorable but its also the first realized look of what a Warhammer movie could be like As the horse Ill beat to death will tell you I cant unsee how seamless it would be not just because of how much common ground the worlds share Theres too many parallels to type up hence why I record a podcast but trust me between the bionic limbsenhancements power swords office of assassins dirty super city and tech cult of mars theres certainly enough sources to draw from But as great as the Ready Player One style of animation is bring me Neill Blomkamp for a Warhammer persp

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