Zoe Nightingale

Work Real Hard to Get Lucky



People who live amongst NYC streets are my favorite people to interview. No filter, nothing to hide, full of stories of survival, and often incredibly funny and charming. I have been trying, for years, to find a way to use my podcast for actual good and have been searching for a platform to take the work I want to do with the homeless community, and I had found one, in the Bowery Mission. I had created a show, that I was going to personally fund, that was going to try to find five NYC homeless and get them the counseling and training they need to qualify for NYC free housing. Could I actually use the tools that are available in one of the richest cities in the world to affect someones life in a real way forever.  But alas, my past caught up with me and despite telling them from the very beginning that I was a person with a colorful internet search history who had a penchant for felons, drug addicts, sex workers and niche communities...they decided after many moons of work together that who I was overshadowed