Left-right Radio With Chuck Morse

Censorship at the Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy, MA



The Thomas Crane Public Liberary in Quincy, Massachusetts, a city known as the "City of Presidents" due to the fact that Quincy is the birthplace of presidents John and John Q. Adams, has censored the book "Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children."  This book was written by the late education researcher Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld. Dr. Blumenfeld was a founderof the modern home schooling movement and was once a substitute teacher in Quincy. His book, which was published by WND books in 2015, a few months before his death, is selling well on Amazon Books. THis is a case of sheer censorship and an expression of ignorance as the Crane library seeks to control knowledge. Is this a problem nationally?